In addition to technology, we provide bespoke training for palliative care staff to teach them new skills, improve their confidence and enable them to deliver unique experiences for children and families.

Face-to-face - we provide face-to-face learning at the point of installation and in-person refresher training throughout the 4-year cycle.

Super user workshops - we have also launched our annual specialist super-user workshops in conjunction with external providers. These workshops will provide enhanced technical training on specific items of technology and increase awareness of issues such as online safety.


Technical support - If you have any technical issues or questions about how to use your Lifelites equipment (however large or small) please  contact our Technical Support Service - 07833 25175 or raise a ticket by emailing -

Hospice onsite maintenance visits – Maintenance queries should be directed to our helpline above.

Training - If you have questions at all about how to use the Lifelites-donated equipment, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Dan at

You can find all the equipment videos from our 2021 Showcase here!

New technology packages – For enquiries about your hospice application and our consultation process, please contact Jane Maisey at