We are delighted to have fantastic partners who support Lifelites and enable us to donate life-changing technology to enhance the lives of children with life-limiting conditions.

Partnership is everything to us and we are continuously developing new relationships with companies at the forefront of technology and innovation. Want to know more about becoming a Lifelites partner? Please get in touch with Samuel Davies on 0207 440 4207 or email sdavies@lifelites.org.

The British Medical Journal

For several years, Lifelites has been lucky enough to benefit from the support of the British Medical Journal (BMJ). The team at BMJ have donated time, expertise and funds to support Lifelites work since 2016. As well as hosting a series of fundraising events and raising five figures for Lifelites work each year. They have also offered free skill sharing for Lifelites' small team, as well as a venue for Lifelites events.


Lifelites was conceived in 1999 as a Millennium Project within the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys. The project sought to donate networked computers and train staff in every children’s hospice in the British Isles.

Despite launching as an independent charity in 2006, Lifelites remains a proud partner of Freemasons across the country working closely with Provinces to fundraise for packages of technology in local children’s hospices.

We also work alongside MCF at Freemasons Hall, who generously donate HR and finance support and office accommodation. MCF also nominates one third of Lifelites’ Trustees to ensure alignment with Masonic values and to help maintain positive partnerships across Freemasonry.

Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (WCIT)

Lifelites was originally born from a concept created by volunteers from the City Livery Company, the WCIT. As well as providing grants for our work, throughout the history of the development of our charity, the Company has continued to provide invaluable pro bono support in the form of help and advice, and in particular as the leading body on our Technical Advisory Panel. We are very grateful to their ongoing commitment to Lifelites.


Lifelites is a charity with gaming and technology at its heart so teaming up with GamesAid is a great fit. GamesAid is the charity arm of the gaming industry supporting small charities to make a difference to disadvantaged children through technology. Lifelites has been the recipient of GamesAid members’ extraordinary generosity – support which has helped to expand and improve our work. We are very grateful to GamesAid and all their members who have helped us to donate our magical technology.


Ever since our inception as a charity, Thinkology has been Lifelites’ website partner, often going the extra mile to produce attention-grabbing visuals. They are generous with their time and advice to ensure that Lifelites stays in step with developments in digital marketing.

How you can get involved

Wherever you are, there is a Lifelites project near you. Employees and colleagues, friends and family are likely to know someone who is benefiting from the work we do. Children's hospices are at the centre of the communities they serve and your business will benefit from being associated with these local initiatives. Get in touch to find out more.

Become a valued partner

Could you become a Lifelites Partner and help Lifelites sustain our work for children using your local children’s hospice?

By committing to fund one of our projects over four years or longer, you will see the impact of your donations for children with life-limited conditions cared for at every children’s hospice service across the British Isles.

Your pledge will help us to ensure that we can give these children the chance to take control, play, create, and communicate, for as long as possible.


Lifelites Honours


Honour level

£ (at least)
One-off donation

£ Pledge for four years or more



£5,000 +/annum















Personal monthly gift £4+


A big thank you to our current partners and donors:

Edward Gostling Foundation Provincial Grand Lodge of Jersey
Jingle Jam Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex
Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex Tom Jones
Provincial Grand Lodge of Hertfordshire Cherry Family Foundation
Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association (WSMBA)  
GamesAid Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire
Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey  
Provincial Grand Lodge of the Isle of Man Worshipful Company of Information Technologists
Sarnia Riduna Lodge  
British Medical Journal (BMJ) Lodge of Eastern Bon Accord
Brock Charitable Trust Lodge of Fortitude & Old Cumberland
Broyst Foundation Lodge of Perfect Light
Capper Chapter London School Board Lodge
Carstar Automotive Masonic Province of Middlesex Charitable Trust
Castle Lodge of Harmony Medlock Charitable Trust
City and University of Cambridge Masonic Charitable Trust Mount Sion Chapter
City Livery Lodge Music Lodge
Clerestory Lodge Nathaniel Reyner Trust Fund
Chelsea Lodge with Rick Wakeman New Century Chapter
Cornwall Masonic Charitable Foundation Order of St John of Jerusalem
Edward Harvist Trust Fund Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire
Essex Masters Lodge Provincial Grand Lodge of Cambridgeshire
Europa Point Lodge Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall
Fratres Calami Lodge Provincial Grand Lodge of Herefordshire
Golden Seal Rose Croix Chapter Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire & Rutland
Grenadiers Lodge Remington Club
GWD Concept SP z o o Rye Lodge
Hamilton Wallace Trust Shropshire Masonic Charitable Association
Happy Charitable Trust South Surrey Masters
Horistic Lodge St Albans Lodge
Hull And East Riding Charitable Trust St Jude's Trust
Irving Memorial Trust St Quintin Park Lodge
Ivy Lodge Tom McCluskey
King's Colonials Lodge Universal Lodge
Kirby Lodge Wanderers' Lodge
Leicestershire & Rutland Masonic Charity Association Westminster City School Lodge
Alistair Y Redcar S Inspectorate Lodge of St James
Bristol 87 Circle of Masters Lodge of the West Indies
Burghley Family Trust Lynda Duttine
C G Bartholomew Merdon Lodge
Chrissy Roulet Michael & Morven Charitable Foundation
David Staples Midwood McTurk Trust
Haberdashers' Aske's Lodge RHS Spurgin Charitable Trust
Hazel and Leslie Peskin Charitable Trust Robert C Schroter
High Beach Chapter Robert Verner-Jeffreys
Hutton Foundation Rubin Foundation Charitable Trust
Kent Club Sabzgaman Beski Charity
Lingfield Lodge Simon & Philip Cohen Charitable Trust
Lodge of Good Companions Southern Star Lodge
Lodge of Proven Fellowship Wantsum Cork Lodge


If you would like to become a Lifelites Partner please contact Samuel Davies - sdavies@lifelites.org / 0207 440 4200 for a Partner pledge form.